Course level 2

AMARANTA THERAPISTS (Amaranta Method level 2)

In this course, you will learn how to perform the 15 Amaranta Method therapies, and work with a client. To attend, you must have completed the Amaranta Method level 1 (Path).

What you will learn in this course:

  • Detailed overview of the 15 Amaranta Method therapies
  • Activation of your stellar body
  • Activation of your 18 chakras
  • How to work in therapy with a client

Who is this course for?

Anyone who wishes to deepen their self-healing practice and acquire new tools.

To attend, you must have completed the Amaranta Method level 1 (Path).

How long does this course last?

This course contains 16 lessons of 2 hours each (36 hours).

If you wish to be informed about the next Path course, sign up for my newsletter here

Join the alexacuantica community and get a guide for detoxifying and activating your chakras!

Chakras are energy crossroads where our body's energy channels converge. Most spiritual traditions mention 7 major and several minor chakras. The Amaranta method is based on a system of 18 chakras, 13 of which are located within the physical body. This document presents a step-by-step activation of 9 chakras over a month. To help you, a recording of the diamond codes is available on soundcould.

Ce guide vous propose un programme d'un mois de méditations quotidiennes pour détoxifier et activer vos 9 chakras: le chakra racine, le chakra sexuel, le chakra du pouvoir, le chakra de l'amour, le chakra de la création, le chakra de la vision, le chakra lunaire et le chakra solaire.

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