The spiritual coachings

Our soul is both the most sensitive and the most powerful part of our being.

In the past few decades, our relationship with the Divine has suffered great amounts of skepticism and criticism as a reaction to centuries of abuse of all kinds perpetuated by organized religion. But the growing wave of atheism has harbored a general feeling of separation from the Divine, which causes a great amount of isolation and confusion. Such existential matters as birth, death, family, relationships suddenly became internalized and secularized to the point of becoming private matters to be processed and discussed in psychotherapy.

Therefore, it seems important to explain the differences between psychotherapy, organized religion, and a spiritual therapy/coaching.

Spiritual therapy or coaching aims at helping you connect with your inner divinity so that you can manifest its presence in your life and listen to its guidance. It is a way of reclaiming your power without adopting a specific belief system (religion).

In a spiritual coaching experience, you will be guided to discover, feel and connect to your own definition of God, life, healing, illness, karma, time, etc. Spiritual coaching is a judgment-free space where you can explore your spiritual self. Spiritual coachings are not designed to heal you from any physical or mental illness, nor do they replace couples counseling or regular psychotherapy. Spiritual coaching will however most likely have a transformative effect on your health, finances, relationships and general wellbeing.

A spiritual coaching deals with existential matters from a spiritual point of view, assuming that our soul has a journey that extends beyond this specific life on this specific planet. Therefore, a spiritual coaching addresses a more subtle aspect of the human psyche, instead of working solely on the mind. Spiritual work alone (coaching, clearing, or any other type of healing) cannot heal you from any physical or mental illness. However, it can help you understand the root of that illness. Mostly, it will help you get rid of all the mental clutter that keeps you from listening to your higher self and encourage you to make positive, fulfilling choices for your life.


Opening your heart and saying YES to life, YES to health, YES to happiness is the basic ingredient to help you achieve serenity and abundance.

What spiritual coaching can do for you

Spiritual coaching usually starts with a calling, a yearning to reconnect with your inner divinity, or from the desire to find a way out from a repeating pattern, or to heal from a deep emotional wound.

A channeling will take place where I will act as an intermediary between your higher self or any other
beings of light who wish to share their wisdom with you. From here, you will be guided into a hypnotic state of relaxation in order to slow down your brain waves so that you may be fully open to receive the guidance and the healing.

A small clearing ritual will be performed to help you be more receptive and reach the necessary vibration for the beings of light to feel welcome in your space.

Then, with your consent, we invoke your higher self or any other being of light that you feel a calling for and ask them to help you understand what the origin of your conflict is and how to solve it.

We then proceed in eliminating and healing all the manifestations of this conflict and its related emotions on every possible level without time or dimensional limitations. This means that we send the healing to the past, present and future as well as to any other dimensions, known or unknown. To do this, all we need is to allow for it to happen, as the beings of light operate on a subtle level which only requests your consent.  

Everything in the Universe is subject to the law of free will

This means that technically, nothing can happen to you without your consent. Therefore, our main goal is to remove and cancel any shadow energies of any kind (thoughts, emotions, words, memories, programming…) that may be blocking you on a conscious or unconscious level.

How to book a spiritual coaching session :

– The standard rate for a spiritual coaching session is 88 USD per session (60 min).

– The sessions are via zoom, you will be given a link to download the recording once the session is concluded.

– The spiritual coaching session follows the Amaranta Method principles.

– An integration period of 21 days between each session is necessary.

– Generally, 3 individual sessions are required to deal with any specific topic.

– Individual channelings can also be booked, if you desire to seek spiritual advice for a specific situation.

Open your heart and say YES to life, YES to health, YES to happiness!

Join the alexacuantica community and get a guide for detoxifying and activating your chakras!

Chakras are energy crossroads where our body's energy channels converge. Most spiritual traditions mention 7 major and several minor chakras. The Amaranta method is based on a system of 18 chakras, 13 of which are located within the physical body. This document presents a step-by-step activation of 9 chakras over a month. To help you, a recording of the diamond codes is available on soundcould.

Ce guide vous propose un programme d'un mois de méditations quotidiennes pour détoxifier et activer vos 9 chakras: le chakra racine, le chakra sexuel, le chakra du pouvoir, le chakra de l'amour, le chakra de la création, le chakra de la vision, le chakra lunaire et le chakra solaire.

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